Kierstian Marie Braswell

General Information

Full Name: Kierstian Marie Braswell
Age: By appearance-{20}
Gender: Female
Species: Lupus (werewolf)
Breed: Sapiens
Birth Date: 24th of September, 1980
Order: Venator - Hunters - Hunter's Moon.

Tribe:Berksekr, out of Romany and Norse heritage
Combat: Knife Fighting:-{16}, Natural Style Fighting:-{14}, Bestial Fighting:-{15}.
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Character History

With the loss of her family and the forced move into 'Suburbia', Kierstian took to the club life, the transition rough and tended to lash out at her 'elders'. She'd quite suddenly become a little hellion when before she'd been the model of purity, having gone from nearly perfect daughter, to bartender and club-a-holic.

Her parents mated young in life, producing twins on their first bout and coming out barren every other chance they'd made. Felicia and Kierstian had been alike in every way, enjoying the same sights, colors and activities as children. As a small family in a larger pack, they grew close and helped whenever the occasion called for it.

The children had gone from having shock blonde hair to a fair auburn brown color, which they wore long, with never a need to cut it. Their eyes, however, had remaind a clear, ice blue since the day they were born. Their bodys had developed at the same rate, each preferring the foods the other liked. As they neared puberty, however, changes formed in the twins. Felicia remained slight, almost waifish in form, barely developing beyond a hint of womanhood, while Kierstian's bust and hips filled out nicely. Both had been attractive in their own ways, but Kierstian was made for carrying children, while Felicia's form had been too slight and narrow hipped. It caused a bit of a friction between the girls, for each wanted the other's figure for the very reasons the other didn't want their own. Thus the silent quarrels began.

The girls had their times, however, coming back to their other half with open arms. These were the times that Kierstian remembered. Laughing in a clearing in the woods, stretched out on the foliage and watching the birds flit through the leaves. The hunt, where even slender Felicia was able to bring in food enough to feed the both of them. The two girls quickly became self sufficient, still adoring their parents, but having no particular need for close watch, as was expected of them.

Years went by, with nothing of note to focus upon, until that dreadful night when the meat bags set fire to there 'neck of the woods'. Kierstian had begun courting a male a few years older than herself, from another pack, much to the consternation of her parents, and the two had been close to a consentual mating when the flames had erupted....

One year later, Kierstian fell in love hard. She had met a wonderful man, Carius Pitsori. His style, his body, his sense of right was perfect. He came with baggage, and she could handle that.

And she did.

There were hunters after Carius. Kierstian didn't care. Carius was the one for her, her one true mate, and she would never leave his side. With Carius' obvious sex drive and continual nightly....daily..sometimes hourly visits, Kierstian was soon with child. Two to be exact, though this was unknown to her. The two of them fled the city, however, when it seemed that there was no hope for them. They took the children that they were protecting together, killed the man who was chasing them...and lost the group who attempted to follow. Now their story continues, across the Atlantic, in Jolly ole England.

Lycanthrope Traits

Level 12

  • Senses of the Beast - Keen hearing, Sense of Smell, Eyesight, Tastebuds. +15 to split between these senses.
  • Form Shift - Human form shifts into wolf or big-cat breed. +2 levels in half shift or full shift. They can also perform partial shifts (claws, teeth and fangs, tough hide.) Young Lycanthrope have no control over shift and shift whether they want to or not when enraged or frightened. Lycanthrope 100 and older can shift at will at any time.
  • Improved Tracking - Very able at tracking. +5 eyesight, hearing, sense of smell, or intelligence vs. stealth.
  • Call of the Wolf - Lycanthrope call to each other from miles away.
  • Animal Presence - Lycanthrope can exude a dominant, terrifying, calming or an inspirational presence.
  • Gift of Nature - Allows Lycanthrope to learn their gifts very rapidly. A gift is mastered once learned, practiced, and then applied successfully (used on or against a PC) in active play.
  • Physical Fortress - Great Strength+10, Speed+10, Stamina+20, Stealth+10, Dexterity+5, Toughness+5 Fortitude, Regeneration+3 Regeneration, Leaps-up to 6 d6 distance, and Balance-Level 16.
  • Night Vision - Lycanthrope can see through darkness as if they had infrared vision. When this is active, eyes reflect with a green reflection in light.
  • Varghöss Tribe - Lupus out of old norse, viking heritage. Sapiens, Lupine and Hybrids out of these breeds also have Berksekr Advantage and Disadvantage.
  • Tribal Advantages: Dire form and Claws of Ice
    Disadvantage: Abominable hybrids and meta forms (crinos forms/half shifts etc.) Sapiens, Lupine and Hybrids have Superstition disadvantage.

    Lycanthrope Gifts

    Path of Nature :: Level 1

    Level One Gifts

  • Mental Crush - Makes mind feel as if it is literally being crushed with agonizing pain that blinds and makes it impossible to concentrate. Lasts as long as power is being concentrated on subject and pain fades over a 140 second interum. Requires concentration, no other actions can be taken while applying this gift.

  • Level 2 Gifts
  • Far Leap - The lycanthrope can leap down from atop buildings and cliff faces, and jump across chasms or from roof to roof without any damage to themselves. If they jump or fall too far however, (over 100-300 ft, depending on age and strength) they can get severly injured.

  • Level 3 Gifts
  • Shattering Howl - The lycanthrope howls/roars to release a head splintering and bone jarring shockwave that stuns all within a 30 foot radious of her instantly.

  • Level 4 Gifts
  • Summon Shadow Familiar - The lycanthrope can summon a familiar, which acts as their servant. The familiar can be sent to spy on others returning with secrets and privileged information. The familiar will be invisible to anyone not within the black curtain {shadow realm}. These three familiars are permanent until killed.

  • Level 5 Gifts
  • Lightning Projection - Slash with lightning claws, electrified bite, or aura of electricity while connecting with the spirit of lightning to shock, burn, and damage a victim.

  • Level 6 Gifts
  • Stronghold - Telekinetic armor which deflects weapons and energy. Weakens 1 level per 3 hits damage.

  • Level 7 Gifts
  • Demon Kin - Lycanthrope can summon a kindred animal that is demonic, that will stay by them until it dies. The demon kin is quite powerful (L-7) and is an ice and lightning elemental. (gift is spent when used.)
  • Weaver of Chaos - combine up to three gifts and learn one additional level 7 Gift. Chaotic aligned characters only.

  • Level 8 Gifts
  • Breath of Time - The lycanthrope howls to release a temporal wave of power that makes time skip a beat for up to 15 seconds, time stopping for everyone but the responsible lycanthrope for that brief period of time.

  • Level 9 Gifts
  • Faces of the Beast - Lycanthrope connects with other animal spirits and can take their forms. Up to three forms not including their form.

  • Level 10 Gifts
  • Elemental - Lycanthrope attains the gift to command an element and gains all levels of that gift, the knowledge filling them quickly over a month's time. - Wisdom (gained with 10th Level)

  • Level 11
  • Gift Mastery - Learn two more gifts per level, Levels 1-10 only.
  • Divine Gift of Gaia - Agelessness, Lycanthrope stops aging, but are still only quasi-immortal and able to die from mortal wounds.
  • Checks


    Rate Chart
    1-30. 30+ with bonuses only.
    1-9 is pathetic to poor rating.
    10-13 is average to decent rating.
    14-17 is good to impressive rating.
    18-21 is incredible rating.
    22-25 is amazing to fantastic rating.
    26-30 is phenomenal rating.
    31-40 only attainable with special advantages and powers.
    41-50 only attainable with great size or supreme advantages and powers.

    Physical Checks: Strength: {23/46-Dire} Stamina: {36/72-Dire} Stealth: {26} Movement: {23} Dexterity: {17} Reflexes: {18} Fortitude: {23} Balance: {16}

    Sensory Checks: Vision: {21} Olfactory: {19} Hearing: {20} Taste: {13} Touch: {14}

    Mental Checks: Charisma: {14} Wisdom: {12} Intelligence: {15} Intuition: {11} Instincts: {16} Willpower: {22} Logic: {14} Focus: {16} Courage: {16}

    Special Ability Checks: Sixth Sense: {special} Danger Sense: {special}

    Ethical Checks: Morality: {14} Virtue: {21} Honor: {18} Loyalty: {22/28-Cabron}