Combat, Dice and Checks
Vital Stats
Health Points (HP): 319
Vital Checks: Strength [19], Stamina: [23], Willpower: [28]
Regeneration: +7 rapid recovery
Fortitude: +1 vs. physical injury
Magic Resistance (MR): 70%
Save Bonus: +2 vs. death or capture
Temple of Resistance: 75% resistance to bonding, charms, presence, and domination
Mental Resistance: 75% vs. mental intrusion and attacks. -5% per successful attempt to break down his will
Thrall Bonuses: added to checks
Strength: +3, +1 per two levels
Stamina: +5, +2 per levels
Agility: +1 per two levels
Stealth: +4
Regeneration: +7, +1 per two levels
Weapons and Combat
Firearms: Level-24
Sig sauer 45 Cal. pistols: (+45) with PRS custom scopes.
20 round clips: Hollowpoint+5.
Silver nitrate and UV-gel Bullets: +165 werewolves/vampires
Deadly accurate: +2 HB
Sharpshooter: +2 d6
Hand to Hand Combat: Level 27, Jujitsu.
Run Cover and Guard: Level-35.
Self-Discipline: +1 AR, +2 WP and Con, Hard to Rattle
Archery: Level-30
Compound Bow: Arrows-Broadhead IV+30+Strength}
Draw Weight-{60 pounds}
Quick Aim
Precision Aim {+1-HB}
Obstacle Precision
Long Range Precision
Strafe, Damage-{+12+Strength}
Occupational Skills
Master of Disguise: Level-26.
Interrogation: Level-26.
Strategy: Level-37.
Intelligence: Level-36.
Physical Checks: Strength: {16} Stamina: {18} Stealth: {16/26} Movement: {16} Dexterity: {16} Reflexes: {17}
Sensory Checks: Vision: {19} Olfactory: {14} Hearing: {15} Taste: {16} Touch: {14}
Mental Checks: Charisma: {17} Wisdom: {14} Intelligence: {16} Intuition: {14} Instincts: {15} Willpower: {28} Logic: {17} Focus: {18} Courage: {16}
Special Ability Checks: Danger Sense: {14}
Ethical Checks: Morality: {14} Virtue: {14} Honor: {18} Loyalty: {20}