Astle Dit Pelletier

General Information

Character Name: Astle Dit Pelletier Alias: Jean-Pierre Rouseau, Axle,Christophe
Screen Name: NPC. Available to be Played to players who submit logs with request to play Astle.
Code Name: The Mole
Race: Human Avari Thrall
Generation: NA
Gender: Male
Levels: Strategy-{37} Combat-{24} Jujitsu-{27} Interrogation-{35} Arcane Paths-{12} WP-{28} Master of Disguise-{26} MR-70%.
Age: {32} Age By Appearance: {30} Born: October 10th 1976
Location: Manor in Notting Hill. A stone privacy wall surrounds the grounds. Club X-Tech.
Security: PBSS: Partical bath security system which secures an area with stored passover of all agents, soldiers and employees of a compound, any unauthorized person entering secured area affected by Particle Regulation Bath at regulation Level, with +1 level during code red infiltration, but never exceeding Level 4. System is powered by a Security Fusion Generator (SFG).

Temple Knights

The Loyal Elite

Captain: Rafael Achard Trebien, Levels-Combat-32, Stealth-18/28, WP-30, MR-80%.
Lieutenant: Mark Halor Fenriss, Levels-Combat-30, Stealth-17/27, WP-27, MR-50%.
Head of Security: Trent Abbet Roscovelli, Levels-Combat-28, Stealth-16/26, WP-28, MR-50%.
Guard Elite: Jason John Savage, Levels-Combat-28, Stealth-16/26, WP-29, MR-50%.
Guard Elite: Martial Kevin Mason, Levels-Combat-26, Stealth-16/26, WP-27, MR-50%.
Special Ops: Jerico Benard Paul, Levels-Combat-28, Stealth-18/28, WP-28, MR-40%.
Special Ops: Archer Chaney Bennet, Levels-Combat-26, Stealth-17/27, WP-28, MR-40%.
Sniper: Arlan Cavan MacManus, Levels-Combat-28, Stealth-20/30, WP-29, MR-30%.
Sniper: Brighid Ciar Cessair (female), Levels-Combat-27, Stealth-19/29, WP-28, MR-30%.


    Employed by the French Intelligence, Astle worked hand in hand with the Federation of Governments through project Underground to conduct undercover studies which Astle delved dangerously deep into, the intelligence he gathered shared with FoG, at least, anything he deemed they needed to know. He did not always disclose everything he knew. The life of those he investigated was intriguing, and he had to remind himself occasionally not to forget his objectives, not to allow himself to be swayed by them to forget they were predators who preyed on, and were a monstrous threat to the human species. In December of 2002, Astle was called to a meeting by General Warshaw and the French Minister of Intelligence, where they told Astle they wanted him to find a way to become a progeny of vampiric kind. They wanted him to enter deep into the vampiric underworld that he might discover those secrets no human could unearth. After hours of debate, Astle reluctantly consented, once they agreed to his terms.
    Astle inaugurated a plan which began by setting up a secure base of operations, and so with Government funds, he purchased a house in Notting Hill where a Particle Regulation Security System was installed, with hidden security cameras in every room of the three story house. He hand selected a team of men, and one woman, his wife, to work for him within the Estate in that peaceful suburb of London. He called his team the Temple Knights, and there was no order, no decision he made they were to question, and anyone who did would be discharged of their post and replaced. Their duty was to simply mind their own business and follow his orders, and it was imperative they did so in order for him to attain the confidence and trust of those he investigated. Within a year they learned to trust him, learned that if he was unsure of something, or needed input, he sought a unified decision, and they discovered that Astle did not put their lives on the line wrecklessly, but rather did everything he could to insure their safety during operations. He was not only a brilliant man they respected, but a man who considered every potential problem and risk and resolved it practically.
    It was in 2004 his first 'private research' subject was captured by FoG. The vampire was to be broken by FoG before he was handed over to Astle to 'condition' for his own plans. The vampire they knew only as Art, or Arthur, escaped his captive state of arrest, but was recovered again in January 2005 in a trade for a clan member and thrall which FoG had vowed to slay if Arthur did not turn himself in. FoG was taking extra precautions this time to insure the vampire did not escape them again, precautions which included the vampire signing a contract of service and nondisclosure with them. Five years service to the Federation of Governments and he would be liberated with a political asylum that made him a citizen of France. Astle doubted that FoG would uphold their end of the contract, and was determined that he insured that the contract was honored, at least where liberating the vampire was concerned. Fact was, Astle had learned not to trust FoG's leaders, though he never gave any indication of this whatsoever. He had quickly discovered that FoG never kept their word to 'the enemy', and as far as he was concerned, if they could lie to the enemy, they would deceive anyone else they felt it necessary to lie to. The phrase 'A means to an End' was FoG's logo the way Astle saw it, and 'Deceive the Deceiver, became Astle's motto in order to insure that he preserved himself in a dog eat dog occupation. It was during this time that Astle's wife betrayed him.
    Rachael had not only slept with a fellow agent, but ratted him out to the agency. Astle had gone through Hell convincing his superior officers, the Field Martial and General in particular, that he had not joined the enemy side, and that his cover had been so convincing that his own wife had misconceived that he had been seduced by the immortals. At that time, he had been telling the truth, but had just begun to question how evil the immortals truly were. He had made the fatal mistake, or near fatal error, of trusting his wife and confiding his doubts to her. Their divorce had been an ugly one, and she had gained custody of their only child owed to his 'dangerous occupation' as an intelligence agent, and for 'his occupation consuming all his time.' The hearing and the paternity suit had been administered in a closed courte owed to 'sensitive content'. Meaning, the French Ministry had no wish to expose an uncover operative in an open court. She not only had Rachael had an affair with a British Intelligence agent, but she reported that Astle was being swayed by the immortals and could not be trusted. Astle was questioned but convinced his superiors that his wife had fallen for his own cover, which was to persuade certain members of vampiric society to trust him.
    Astle was appaled by the condition Arthur was in when he was delivered to him by FoG, with intelligence from his own men. The vampire was a physical and mental wreck. Astle kept him for nine months, until he had fully recouperated, and then set him free, making it look like an escape when the PBS system had to be shut down for routine maintenance. The entire scenario had been recorded on his security cameras. It had been the last straw. Astle could no longer affiliate himself with an organization that acted so ruthlessly and without any ethics whatsoever in their treatment of captive subjects. Astle's Temple Knight unit was in complete agreement with Astle and consented to go underground with him when he broke off all contact with FoG. Astle was interrogated by three of FoG's Intelligence Officers for three days concerning Arthur's escape, and regardless of proving himself guiltless of aiding and abetting a prisoner under his ward, Astle was placed under tight survellience, only Astle always managed to slip under their radar. In August 2006, FoG sold Astle down the river. Information on him was released to certain criminal elements to be sold to vampiric contacts, while FoG itself sent Astle's Hornet security ops unit out in the feild on a mission to hunt Astle down. Astle's own guards had become his enemy. Two brothers among those five men, Marius and Victor Serbiana, secretly resolved to abet Astle however. They had known Astle for years and admired his genius, ethics, and courage. Marius and Victor had also been disgusted with the conduct of their peers. Astle's ethics had spread to others to cause dissention among FoG's ranks, while the fanatics which made up most of FoG's units remained utterly loyal to their organization. In September Astle met a vampire in an Anubian owned club called X-Tech. By this time the heat on Astle was perlious, and taking a chance, he turned over his address and the combination to his vault with intructions for the female to retrieve all the files, films, and photos in his vault, with intructions to take it to the vampiric Prince of London and the Nation of Vampires conciliate. He warned the female, whose name was Willow, not use the information to hunt down the enemy, but rather to disembowel FoG politically to force them to go renegade, at what time they could be hunted down without causing a full scale war. Why had he trusted this vampire? Because she had shown him a decency that he felt could be trusted, and because he was running out of time and doubted that he and his men would be able to make it out of his manor with all of the information to take it to London's Prince of vampires. To get that much information out of his place unseen would require an arcane touch Astle did not possess as a human.
    Astle's plan to disassemble FoG was successful in every way Astle had hoped. The information leaked to vampires and various govermental officials resulted in FoG's dismissal from all goverment support. Not long after this, a majority of younger members (most of them warriors and scientists) within FoG dissented and with a successful coup overthrew their superiors to go underground. A number of them, having been planning to form their own division, had already purchased property in various countries, including buildings and old panic bunkers, from which they could operate. Moving onto the farm their leader had purchased outside of London, they completely restructured their organization under their new leader. They also recruited young soldiers with the heart to protect humanity from supernatural threats. They renamed themselves the Knights of Retribution or KoR. FoG was no more. A younger organization had formed which based their standards on many of Astle's beliefs without really knowing it.
  • Never kill without discrimination for to do so might spark a war, and a war with the immortals can only end in the destruction of human civilization.
  • Never, under any circumstances, bring attention to the immortality of a creature. The secrecy they maintain is honored for a very good reason, public discovery could result in global panic, even war. Their facade protects us all as well as them.
  • Never act without honor against an enemy, for to be ignoble is to become as bad or worse than your enemy and shames not only you, but your comrades.
  • Treat immortals with the same respect they show you, for those who respect you may be your ally in need.
  • Never allow your fear to defeat reason. Remaining calm is the best way to increase your chances of survival in any situation.
    • Such were the beliefs of Astle and through him and his Temple Knights, the Knights of Retribution had gained or regained a sense of honor. Question was; how long would it last?
    Now here Astle was; under-wing of a powerful conclave of vampires, perhaps even more powerful than the prince's clan. Astle was thrall to an Avari female, who he had formed a rather close relationship with, and plans were being made to have him sired, not by his regent, but by a vampire chosen by the Vulcan clan primogen Louis, or his even more powerful friend Leon. Leon did not fully trust Astle yet howsoever. He would not hear of Astle being sired until he was sure he had broken all ties with any resistance opposing the immortals. Leon's eyes were ever on him, but he could not watch him all of the time. Astle met with his knights when he could, extended new orders to them as they reported to him. Was Astle still an agent who rivaled the vampire, lycanthrope, demon and angel kindred? If he was, he had everyone fooled, everyone but Leon who was very shrewd and cautious. Whatever Astle's position, he counted Louis as his friend, Willow as someone he trusted and loved, and Leon as someone he respected even more highly than he feared him. Astle had not lied to them since coming under their shadow. He'd had no need to. Would he betray the X-tech conclave if it served his agenda? The future alone could say.

Special Equipment

  • MRS Watch-(Micro-monitor readout scanner).
  • PGs-(particle grenades).
  • MPR-(mag particle regulator)
  • PRS-(Particle regulation scope, which is a scope that doubles as a PR with laser range targeting - attaches to rifles and pisols)
  • PLU-(partical lamp unit).

    Every member of his Temple Knight unit is also equipped with these items.