Khentkaus Vampire Information
Kentkaus I
2nd Generation. Wife of Userkaf. 1st Sired of Userkaf in 2492 BC.
Allergy to Wood: If a wooden shard or lance of holly was thrust in her or her blood kin's heart, they would lie as if dead until the wood was removed.
The Three Curses of Userkaf's Blood: Sun Bane, Pall of Death, and Blood of Life.
True-blood Feud: with Nephremkhet's blood.
Curse of the Guardians: All of her line respect and fear cats owed to a curse Anubis laid on her blood for the blessing of Tawret.
Curse of the Womb of Life: all of her line were cursed that should their flesh contact running water it would cause immediate immobilization until contact ceased. Running water represents the womb of life in this curse. Direct contact with the flesh must be made. Clothing can act as a barrier even if they get wet. Running water includes; any kind of river, creek or stream, ocean tides, rain, and even running water from a faucet or hose. Relatively still water such as lakes, ponds, pools, and baths do not trouble these vampires.
Guardians of The Travesty: Khentkaus observed the Travesty as Law, and named all of her blood, guardians of this Law, for she saw that it was wise and good not to invite mortals to hunt them, or to cause hysteria by making their presence as undead known among mortals.
Khentkaus are amongst the most powerful of the Anubian vampires. As such, they are also the most strictly lawful, particularly concerning their own clan. Because the Nephremket branch of this dynasty is so prolific, the Khentkaus are very watchful of their more unrestrained and often unruly cousins and are rigorous about keeping them in line. Although these vampires weild great power, they also have more curses to contend with than most other anubians. Their power seems to have come at a great cost.
Ramses; III  {Born as Merneptah in 1202 BC}: 3rd Generation True Born Son got of Khentkaus I and Ramses II. Khentkaus had taken possession of Isinofre's physical vessel and soul and was Ramses II's wife in her place. He died in the year 1167 at the age of 48. He aged well looking 10 years younger, and it was widely spoken he had been blessed by Re. The fact that he was half vampire might have played a part in it, although he was mortal until his death delivered him out of darkness into immortality.
Dynasty of Kentkaus
Ramses III-3rd generation true born
Reese-4th Gen-1999, sired by Ramses.
Kaser-4th Gen-900 BC, sired by Ramses.
Eziekiel-5th Gen-750 BC, sired by Kaser
Leon Namwroth-4th Gen-506 BC, sired by Ramses III.
Malakor-5th Gen-23 BC, sired by Leon.
Kassel Namwroth-5th Gen-1806, true born got by Leon, who was lost to him until he came into his 15th year under the name Terrence Reid.
Enya McCounnaghey-6th Gen-2002, sired by Kassel.
Rohan Namwroth-6th Gen-2002, true born got of Kassel and Enya
Dal Mensha-5th Gen- force sired by Leon who was dominated and made to sire Dal.
Dynasty of Nephremkhet
Enemy Clan branch of Khentkaus - See the Nephremkhet page
Nephremkhet-3rd Generation-2289 BC, sired by Khentkaus
Isariman-4th gen-2180 BC, sired by Nephremkhet
Malhama-4th gen-2100 BC, sired by Nephremkhet
Hasseim Albaghdah-5th Gen-2050 BC, sired by Isariman
Gilhiam Duinr 5th Gen-1989 BC, sired by Malhama
Many where the children Sired by Isariman and Malhama's line.
Ramses inherited from his mother, the 'Blessing of Taweret' which was the ability for vampires to spawn 'True Born' children from mating with mortals in 'season' or with vampires that were also born with this blessing. Those vampires reborn with this blessing could only spawn children by birth until they sired a progeny after the birth of child.
Those children engendered from mortals, would live as Dormant Vampires, as mortals until their deaths, and on their deaths would they reawaken as Vampires from the darkness of Duat, the realm of the undead.
1 d100 roll each mating. 1-5 and twins are conceived, 6-15 and a child is conceived. Growth Rate: With Mortal mother-Normal growth rate. With vampiric Mother-1 month for each week.